The true taste of black caviar

Our sturgeon caviar is a true gastronomic treat for the most demanding gourmets. Thanks to the use of classic Astrakhan recipe, which is more than 100 years old, everyone has the opportunity try the real caviar.

Black caviar varieties


  • Diameter: eggs from 3 мм
  • Consistency: Grains are easily separated.
  • No off-flavor and odor


  • Diameter: eggs from 2.5 мм
  • Consistency: Grains are easily separated, a slight separation of J-protein
  • No off-flavor and odor


  • Diameter: eggs from 2 мм
  • Consistency: Grains are soft, sometimes the separation of the skin
  • No off-flavor and odor

Eggs for Eggs

Our fishery uses a closed cycle of caviar production. Fry are distributed in two types: on the face and on the replenishment of caviar livestock. The use of such technology allows sturgeon to be grown to produce mature caviar and to increase the fish population. The entire production is continuously monitored by a technologist who has more than 40 years of experience in this field.

After extracting caviar from fish, it is sorted according to 10 characteristics and freed from films. After that, the grain is washed and sent to the Ambassador. To do this, use salt with the addition of the food additive "Vareks". The dosage of salt is 3-3.5%, which allows to achieve a lightly salted taste. Immediate packaging of caviar in glass jars helps preserve the freshness of the finished delicacy.

Environmentally friendly product

Our plant in 2015-2016 launched the first module per 1000 m2, and already in 2017 the second one was put into operation. We are constantly developing and are planning to increase the caviar population to 25 tons by 2018. To get the highest quality caviar from healthy fish, the plant uses a closed water system. This significantly saves water and heat energy. All pools are filled with drinking water from an artesian well. The use of innovative technologies helps to maintain optimal conditions for the growth and increase of the sturgeon population. Environmentally friendly feed allows fish to get all the necessary elements,

Quality Guaranteed

We constantly monitor the quality of our products at all stages of production. In addition, the container also passes veterinary and sanitary inspection. This gives us the opportunity to be confident that you will receive the highest quality product. On our site you can see product certificates.

Special attention is paid to the delivery of the finished delicacy. To preserve the original taste and freshness of caviar, we use thermal containers. The temperature in them does not fall below 2 degrees and does not rise above 4. You can find the terms of payment and delivery of caviar on our website or by calling our specialists.